Most viewed - various photos

This is a model of the Empire State Building I built out of 3,240 Jenga blocks in the Fall of 2001 for the NMU community using g428 views


Bryant's golden retriever "Beau" frolicking in Marquette snow.269 views

I built another Jenga tower during the Holiday Season 2003 - this time using nearly 12,000 Jenga blocks.246 views

Here is a street level view of Rockefeller Center display.245 views

Up close front.243 views

With my friend Patti overlooking Lake Superior.239 views

Side view.238 views

Angle view of tower.232 views

The ice rink.228 views

Beau on the Grand Marais breakwall.221 views

Beau cooling off in a creek near Deer Track Village in Marquette.218 views

Bryant & Beau visiting Lake In the Clouds.210 views

One of Beau's puppies.200 views

Bryant & Beau on the sand dune overlooking Lake Superior in Grand Marais.196 views

Two more of Beau's babies being shown to NMU's Olson Library staff.196 views