Pasty Gallery

Last additions - islandantique
Harrington grave at Cliff.jpg
Harrington grave at CliffApr 18, 2008
grave at Cliff cemeterry.jpg
grave at Cliff cemeterryApr 18, 2008
Celtic stone at Cliff.jpg
Celtic stone at CliffApr 18, 2008
Cliff Cemetery_001.jpg
Cliff CemeteryApr 18, 2008
Iron cross at Cliff Cemetery.jpg
Iron cross at Cliff CemeteryApr 18, 2008
old cliff cemetery trail.jpg
old cliff cemetery trailApr 18, 2008
Myrtle at Cliff Cemetery.jpg
Myrtle at Cliff CemeteryApr 18, 2008
Grave and thimbleberry bushes.jpg
Grave and thimbleberry bushesApr 18, 2008
Mom and pals at Lac LaBelle.jpg
Mom and pals at Lac LaBelleApr 18, 2008
sept 2006 206.jpg
sept 2006 206Apr 18, 2008
sept 2006 181.jpg
sept 2006 181Apr 18, 2008
sept 2006 016.jpg
sept 2006 016Apr 18, 2008
gnomes at confab.jpg
gnomes at confabApr 18, 2008
sandhill cranes in flight.jpg
sandhill cranes in flightApr 18, 2008
tree frog closeup.jpg
tree frog closeupApr 18, 2008
Sandhill cranes closeup.jpg
Sandhill cranes closeupApr 18, 2008
88 files on 6 page(s) 4