Last additions - MPtormala

Playin tunes with my cousinsApr 16, 2008

Glad to be back in Da U.P.Apr 16, 2008

Getting caught up with the family in HancockApr 16, 2008

Arriving back into the Upper PeninsulaApr 16, 2008

An Apache helicopter Apr 16, 2008

Deprived of your sleep, you'll sleep anywhereApr 16, 2008

Enjoying a break with a couple of the guysApr 16, 2008

Jay 078Apr 16, 2008

Huey helicopter scoping a fieldApr 16, 2008

Another sky shotApr 16, 2008

Enjoyin the breezeeApr 16, 2008

Standing infront of an Apache helicopterApr 16, 2008

4th platoon MP'sApr 16, 2008

HoughtonApr 16, 2008

Da good ole skyApr 16, 2008

shooting the SAW (m249)Apr 16, 2008
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