
The Artilaries Camp At Fort Wilkins

The Artilaries Camp At Fort Wilkins

The Artilaries Camp At Fort Wilkins

Preparing to Fire out over Fanny Hooe.

Firing the Mini-Gun over Fanny Hooe.

Syncronized Bombardment from the 'Big Guns' These had a range of close to 3 miles!

Hazey Gaze from Brockway Mountain.

My Wife (Sarah) and brother (Colin) Hanging out on the way back from Fishing on Lake Superior for Lake Trout.

Captian Bill at the wheel and my Dad looking over his shoulder. It was a little cold, windy and rainy but we had a great time!

Jon was the 'first mate', and was in charge of riggin the equipment, although we saw most of the lines go off first!

Thats a Limit Catch for us, Sarah likes me to point out that she boated the 2 biggest fish...

This is what the lake looked like on the North Shore of the Kewenaw the day we went fishing. Go thing we stayed in the bay...

Carefully observing the 'Devils Washbowl' which is like a cavern that fills with water.

Devils Washbowl with waves receded

Devils Washbowl filling...

Devils Washbowl will throw water several feet in the air!