The trip 2008 - various U.P.

YAYYYY!!! A welcome sign, literally, as we enter Michigan!

It's just a beautiful sight!

The lights are starting to come on during our first night!

The storm seemed like it was going to catch up with us in St. Ignace, but it all went south over Lake Michigan.

Bob's girlfriend, Bobbette!!!

Bob the seagull!!!

Another foggy picture of the bridge!

Snapping a picture out the window on our way to Whitefish Point!

Fog falling over the bridge

The fog was really thick over the bridge!

Our mascot, Bob, was right below our window!

In our motel room in St. Ignace

This was the actual rest stop we went to after driving through the storms.

Rest stop after the storm

This was a welcome stop after the terrible storms we drove through to get to St. Ignace.

They were all kind enough to come out to eat with us since we got there so late because of a horrific rain storm.