
Gee, that's a big truck!! Empire Mine, Marquette Co.

Ever wondered how they change a tire on one of those things?? Empire Mine, Marquette Co.

Quinnesec Iron Mine, Dickinson Co.

Quinnesec Iron Mine, Dickinson Co.

Republic Iron Mine pit filling with water, Marquette Co.

Caledonia Mine entrance, Ontonagon Co.

Stamp sand piles at Copper Falls, Keweenaw Co.

Cliff Mine, Keweenaw Co.

Cliff Mine, Keweenaw Co.

A nice haul of copper chisel chips from Cliff Mine, Keweenaw Co.

Dr. Nat with a rock drill; this can't be good!! Caledonia Mine, Ontonagon Co.

Packing drillholes with explosives, Caledonia Mine, Ontonagon Co.

BOOM!!!!!! Caledonia Mine, Ontonagon Co.

The results of the blast (and yes, there was copper in that pit) Caledonia Mine, Ontonagon Co.

Caledonia Mine piles, Ontonagon Co.

Bat cage over Mass "C" Shaft, Ontonagon Co.