Lake Superior Agate, A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
Tilted bedding of the Copper Harbor Conglomerate, Keweenaw Co.
Stromatolites in Copper Harbor Congomerate, Keweenaw Co.
Very large Stromatolite in Copper Harbor Conglomerate, Keweenaw Co.
PreCambrian ripple marks in quartzite, Baraga Co.
Datolite, A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
Pillow basalt with Palagonite rim, Menominee Co.
Pictured Rocks, Alger Co.
Flat lying sandstone at Pictured Rocks, Alger Co.
Flat lying Miners Castle Sandstone, which makes up most of Pictured Rocks, Alger Co.
Pictured Rocks, Alger Co.
Dr. Huntoon of MTU and student discussing geology at Pictured Rocks, Alger Co.
Grand Sable Dunes, Alger Co.
Looking down the Log Slide, Grand Sable Dunes, Alger Co.
Grand Sable Dunes, Alger Co.
Ghost Forest (tree trunk is around 4,000 years old), Grand Sable Dunes, Alger Co.