A Little Old and A Little New and Some Really Nice Scenery

This is the nice beach just to the south of Burnette Park north of Gay, wish I was sitting there now. This is looking to the sou

This looking back towards Burnette Park

This even farther away but still looking back and yes I am in the lake, this was July 2002, the water was beautiful. I spent mos

This is about the same spot as the picture ahead of this, but looking south, way off in the distance is the Gay smokestack

Nothing like a flower being able to grow almost out of solid rock, of course being a guy I have no clue, well lets say I can't r

Wild day on the lake, the wind was 40 to 50MPH. It was something to see the waves hitting those rocks

Wild day on the lake, the wind was 40 to 50MPH, waves hitting the rocks off shore

This photo is behind the Eagle Harbor lighthouse, in the center of the photo is a ship, he was following another which is just o

Looking at the lighthouse it looks just fine, looks like no wind or anything

Looking to the east of the lighthouse it get wild looking again.

Waterworks beach Oct 2005

Waterworks beach Oct 2005

C&H wreck taken by my dad, have no idea on a date

C&H wreck taken by my dad, have no idea on a date

C&H wreck taken by my dad, have no idea on a date

Took this in July 1978, these are a couple of wrecked Calumet and Hecla rock cars, I think its from the same wreck as the photos
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