Kate and her puppies born January 2005
Hi, I'm Kate! Just waiting for something fun to happen!
Let's just relax by the Ocean here.
When the tide goes out, we can still retrieve from this pond.
Just laying around in the sand.
I'd rather be swimming in that Ocean.
I just had ten shiny puppies. It sure makes me tired. The dad of the pups is National Field Champion Five Star General Patton!
Gotta check on these babies in the warmer box.
Sometimes my boss holds my pups too. Here's one that was just born.
Pretty squirmy, aren't they?
Here we all are at one week old! Mom's tired...
One week has changed me some.
2 weeks old, and eyes just opened. Sort of milky blue still.
Time to refuel my chubby belly (2 weeks old).
Eating makes me sleepy (2 weeks old).
Here's 2 1/2 weeks old! Still eating like a piglet.
It's difficult to hold us (2 1/2 weeks old)!