B-17 Bomber Pictures and Biography from the collection of Jeff Benya


Day 2, Gondola Prep

Day 2, Gondola Trip

Day 3, Little Carp River Cabin

Day 3, Spiderweb

Radio Operator Delmer Spears in front of the B-17 Bomber that crashed into the Porkies (from the collection of Delmer Spears)

Nose of Bomber as it is constructed in Souix City Iowa (from the collection of Delmer Spears)

Army Corps of Engineers photo of Crash Site (April 1944)

B-17 tail wheel assbly (1985) from the collection of collection Dr. William Ballard

B-17 turbocharger (1985) from the collection of collection Dr. William Ballard

Army Corps of Engineers Photo of wing at crash site (April of 1944)

Army Corps of Engineers Photo of crash site (April of 1944)

Biography of Crew #3349 and the B-17 Bomber that crashed into the Porcupine Mountains. Written by Jeff Benya

B-17crew from the collection of collection Dr. William Ballard

crewreunion (1991)(collection of Del Spears)