4th of July in Houghton 1976
4th of July parade in Hubbell 1976
What use to be the Sound Center (in the next photo) is now 2 different businesses. Downtown Houghton sure looks different. Sept
MTU Homecoming 1975 or '76 - I use to work at the Sound Center
Houghton late 70's
Central Mine - I am unable to make out the date on this photo, but it was taken by Islers Lake Superior Views
Central Mine
Sarah's dad, Bob Pike, looking for copper at the Central mine
Clark Mine
Delaware Mine
Our 1950 Dodge wood hauler. This was onwed by the U.S. Park Service when it was new. The flat head 6 was a real work horse.
Sarah stacking wood during spring collecting. It was a little buggy that day.
Picnic anyone?
Great Sand Bay
The Point