This 'sculpture' is more interesting and beautiful than those I've seen at the Whitney or Guggenheim museums in NYC. WOW!
[Jul 07, 2006 at 02:06 PM]
This is incredible! What a fun hobby to collect them!
[Sep 11, 2006 at 10:54 PM]
I just found this site looking for an explanation for the "rocks with holes" I find on my beach here on the North shore of Lk. Superior,,Nipigon Bay, Kama Bay. The only part of the great lakes that is north of the 49th parallel. It runs just north of our property. I have never seen these kind of rocks anywhere else, until I found your pictures. They nor only come from Lk. Superior shoreline, buat I have found them in nearby arivers and even on top of a nearby mountain along a small lakeshore there. I still haven't fiound anyone who can tell me how they are formed, but it is sure not erosion along the big lake, little rock rubs big rock, no no, too many shapes, square holes straight sides etc.. Interestesd in your site and pictures, maybe I will even learn how to poosst my own pictures, I am new to this computer stuff. Hope to hear from you or your assosciates on the
Monty, at Kama Point on Kama Bay Lake Superior.
I just found this site looking for an explanation for the "rocks with holes" I find on my beach here on the North shore of Lk. Superior,,Nipigon Bay, Kama Bay. The only part of the great lakes that is north of the 49th parallel. It runs just north of our property. I have never seen these kind of rocks anywhere else, until I found your pictures. They nor only come from Lk. Superior shoreline, buat I have found them in nearby arivers and even on top of a nearby mountain along a small lakeshore there. I still haven't fiound anyone who can tell me how they are formed, but it is sure not erosion along the big lake, little rock rubs big rock, no no, too many shapes, square holes straight sides etc.. Interestesd in your site and pictures, maybe I will even learn how to poosst my own pictures, I am new to this computer stuff. Hope to hear from you or your assosciates on the
Monty, at Kama Point on Kama Bay Lake Superior.